Category Archives: Monday Muse

Monday Muse: 1-25-2021

Monday Muse: 1-25-2021

Today’s Muse is Jonna Jinton, a Swedish artist who celebrates the winter and who has me convinced she’s actually a fairy. Her cinematography and artistic eye are absolutely breathtaking.

I especially love her singing ice recordings. They remind me of Connecticut in the wintertime, when I’d go out to listen to the river ice crack. It’s such a peaceful, ethereal experience to sit in the dark and listen to the ice sounds.

One of my favorite dates with my husband was a trip out to the boat launch at Lake Lillinonah, where we sat in the truck bed with sleeping bags and hot cocoa to look up at the stars and listen to the ice.

Long nights and long days….
Ice art ❤

Monday Muse 1-18-2021

Monday Muse 1-18-2021

Today’s Monday Muse is author/illustrator and political cartoonist Chris Riddell. He has illustrated several books for one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman, and his style is very loose and free. I love watching his Instagram videos of free drawing in his sketchbooks. If you’re on Instagram, I definitely recommend visiting his feed to watch his drawings to music. @Chris_Riddell And me, of course. 😉 @m_sheldrake

Monday Muse 1-11-2021

Monday Muse 1-11-2021

It’s 1-11! I have been noticing a lot of repeating numbers lately, especially 11:11. Some people believe 11:11 and 1:11 means positive change is coming. I like to believe that, too. But I’m getting off the subject! Listen, the name of this blog is Missyflitts for a reason. Most of what I plan to post here is pretty unapologetically random. That brings me to my muses for today: The Sweet Boys podcast! These guys never fail to make me smile and pick me up when I’m down. They talk about everything and nothing, and are absolutely hilarious and inspiring the entire time. I love their quirky, goofy nature and wholesome friendship. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I go listen to them. I hope you will, too!

Sweet Boys Podcast YouTube Channel

Monday Muse 1-4-2021

Monday Muse 1-4-2021

AURORA is a Norwegian artist whose music I absolutely adore. While I was writing Call of Kythshire, I had this song on repeat. She reminds me a lot of Azi, her lyrics are thought invoking, and her voice is otherworldly. I got to see her live in 2019 and gifted her my first two books. It was an incredible experience!

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