Tag Archives: free young adult fiction

Friday the 13th–Free Books!


Friday the 13th us usually considered an unlucky day, so download some free books by my friends over at SIA, tuck yourself in with a cozy blanket and a cup of tea, and read!


Happy Birthday Call of Kythshire!

Happy Birthday Call of Kythshire!

That’s right, my first novel is one year old! I can’t believe it! It has been a fun year filled with growth ย for me. I’ve made so many friends in the indie publishing community and learned so much along the way.

To celebrate, I’m offering Call of Kythshire for free today on Amazon.ย Click here to get your copy.

Not only that, I’m inviting you to post your book link here to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of Indie authors everywhere!

It doesn’t have to be discounted or free, I only ask that you please only post one book per person. Thanks, and congrats to you, too, Indie Author!


Snowberry Blossom

Snowberry Blossom

For Christmas, I’ve decided to treat my readers to a holiday story featuring Azi, Rian, and their friends in Cerion. Follow them as they quest through a treacherous snowstorm to retrieve the perfect gift for Midwinter’s Eve.ย  Read the rest of this entry