Tag Archives: read a sample

Free books!

Free books!

This week, I’m offering Call of Kythshire for free on Kindle from 11/24-11/27, and Call of Sunteri for free on Kindle from 11/27-11/28.

The artist in me feels that art (and writing) is created to be seen, shared, and entertaining, so I’m sharing my books for free with you this week in the hopes that you read them and truly enjoy them. If you do, please share them with a friend or even better, write a review! Reviews are so important to the author. Ratings are one of the first things prospective readers look at on the book’s listing to decide whether a book is worth reading.

My goal in publishing these books is to entertain and delight. I’m not looking to be the next millionaire author or J.K. Rowling, but I do want people to read and enjoy and maybe drop me a line to let me know what you loved about my stories.

I hope you read Call of Kythshire this week! Here’s one of my favorite scenes from the book, in which Azi and Rian meet Flit for the first time: Read the rest of this entry